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Posts tagged as “mit”

New species of electrons can lead to better computing

Leslie 0

A new study has reported a material in which electrons move at a controllable angle to applied fields, similar to sailboats driven diagonally to the wind. In a research paper published…

New web technology to track who’s using your data

Leslie 0

Researchers in the Decentralized Information Group (DIG) at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) are developing a protocol they call “HTTP with Accountability,” or HTTPA, which will automatically…

Robots ape human behaviour to gain acceptance

Leslie 2

Robots are not only performing ‘humane’ tasks but also becoming increasingly social Robots are getting their act together to search for and rescue survivors of the massive earthquake that rocked…

Print your food and eat it too

Leslie 0

They resemble microwave ovens but appearances can be deceptive. These devices are, in fact, 3D printers that have been around for over a decade, churning out mostly prototypes. They now…