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Posts published in “Birds’ eye view”

No Touch; No go

Leslie 0

When disruptive technologies get out of the labs and justify commercialization, we will see the world with new eyes The technology treadmill moves at such a rapid pace that even…

Emails help identify global migration trends

Leslie 0

by Leslie D’Monte The so-called Internet Protocol or IP address typically finds itself in the news when authorities use it to track down cybercafes from which terrorists could have sent…

Challenges the internet will face in 2011

Leslie 1

There are a few forces which could reshape the way we function in cyberspace. The tug o’ wars on the Wikileaks issue, handling of ‘net neutrality’, and the increasing concern…

Disclosing their genetic data on the web

Leslie 0

Misha Angrist, an assistant professor at the Duke University Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, is 46 years old. He is severly allergiic to pollen, dust, ragweed and cats. And…

Google gives your ‘important’ email priority

Leslie 0

With loads of spam and other unimportant emails cluttering your inbox, you may have wondered at times if you could, perhaps, create a hierarchy of emails — listing them by…

Back to learning

Leslie 0

MIT and Harvard are universities that hardly need an introduction. While MIT is primarily the mecca of science and engineering, Harvard is particularly known for its Arts stream and B-school.…